Главная » 2015 » Март » 25 » Викторина


Гра – вікторина на тему: “Do you know Great Britain?”

Мета: узагальнити, поглибити та розширити знання учнів з теми «Great Britain».



Підвищувати пізнавальний інтерес учнів до мови через використання ігрових моментів;

Закріпити уміння використовувати мову під час висловлювання.


Розвивати увагу та пам’ять;

Розвивати вміння працювати в команді. 


Виховувати вміння працювати в співпраці з іншими учасниками;

Виховувати ввічливе ставлення до культури країни, мову якої вивчаємо;

Обладнання: комп’ютер, інтерактивна дошка, картки для роботи в групах, таблиця для оцінювання учнів.


Хід позакласного заходу


Teacher: Good afternoon dear friends! Today we are going to have Brain Ring “Do you know Great Britain?” I’m sure you’ve got much information about this wonderful country at your English lessons.  And now you will have a good opportunity to show your knowledge of the matter by taking part in our competition.


Today's Quotation

"Sunny thoughts make the whole day brighter".

  • I think that you agree with this statement. Explain its meaning.

Two teams will take part in the game. They will do the tasks and our jury will put them marks. Dear jury, you have tables for each team. Please, put there marks for each contest.

And now it’s time to make our teams. Everybody can take the paper from our magic box and see the number. This number will be the number of your team. (учні дістають листочки із номером команди. Той хто витягнув номер один є ігроком першої команди, хто витягнув 2-й номер грають за другу команду). Now choose the captain in your teams and give the name.


  • We have already formed two teams. Each team has 9 members and a captain. Now I want captains to introduce their teams:

 The captain of Team 1___________

The captain of Team 2 ____________


Our game consists of 5:

  1. Quiz.
  2. English proverbs.
  3. A mysterious balloon.
  4. Do you know?
  5. Guess the place.

Now let’s begin the contest. I wish you success. Be attentive. I wish you and your captains good luck!

Warming up.

And now we are going to have a warming up.

“The ABC game”. Pupils, you’ll get some letters from the English alphabet. You must put the letters in the right order, so as to get the name of the English-speaking country. You have 1 minute at your disposal.

(Картки з буквами : 1. N, A, G, L, N, D, Е.        2. I, C, A, M, A R, E).


Teacher: Thank you very much. Now I see that you are ready to start our contest. (Додаток 1)

  1. The first contest is called “Quiz”. You can show what you know about Great Britain. Our jury will put you 1 point for every right answer.


  1. . What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

2. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of? (4)

3. What is the capital of the UK?  (London)

4.  What is the Queen’s name? (Queen Elizabeth II)

5.  What is the name of the British flag? (The Union Jack)

6.  What is the national emblem of England? (A red rose)

7. What do English people like to drink many times a day? (tea)

8. What town was Shakespeare born in? (Stratford-upon-Avon)

9. Who became the popular character of British legend as a national hero and the protector of the poor? (Robin Hood)

10. What is Great Britain surrounded by? (the seas, the North Sea and the English Channel)

  • Teacher: Our jury, say the marks for this contest.


  1. Teacher: And now let’s see how well you know English proverbs. Our second contest is called “English Proverbs”. (Додаток 2) Look at the blackboard and here you can see the first part of the proverbs and you have to find its tail or ending.
  1. All is well that ends well.
  2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  3. A friend to all is a friend to none.
  4. A new broom sweeps clean.
  5. A sound mind in a sound body.
  6. All things are difficult before they are easy.
  7. As the tree, so the fruit.
  8. As you make your bed, so must you lie on it.
  9. Better late than never.
  10. Every country has its customs.


-         Teacher: Jury will say the score of this game. (One point for every right proverb)

III. Teacher: Our next task is called “A mysterious balloon”. (Додаток 3) Now I’ll explain the rules of the task. There are balloons on the blackboard. There is a task in each balloon. You have to burst the balloon, read the question and answer it. The questions are easy and difficult at the same time, because they are riddles. So be attentive, please. Every correct answer will earn the team 1 point.


1.      What lies between England and France? The answer is not connected with the geography of these two countries. (and)

2.      What is in a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town? (the letter “c”)

3.      This verb helps you to form the question in the Past Simple Tense. (the verb “did”)

4.      How many letters are there in the English alphabet? (26)

5.      What have nouns and pronouns in common? (the word “noun”)

6.      What is there in the middle of the world? (the letter “r”)

7.      Who speaks English, Russian, German and other languages? (echo)

8.      These verbs help you to form the question in the Present Simple Tense. (the verb “do, does”)


- Teacher: Dear guests, while our jury will count the points let’s make up a funny story.  (Додаток 4) Write on your paper:

1.      name

2.      number

3.      number

4.      colour

5.      colour

6.      number

7.      number

8.      animal

9.      name

10.    adjective

11.    colour

12.    food

My name is _1__. I am __2_years old, and I have been studying for___3_ years. I have __4_ hair and __5_ eyes. I weigh_6__ kilograms. I’m __7_ meters tall. I have one pet, a _8__.  His name is __9__. He has __10__legs and __11___ hair. He loves to eat __12___. He always waits for me to come from college.


Teacher: Very nice, thank you for your participation.

Now, members of the jury announce the results of the third task.


IV. Teacher: The next contest is called “Do you know?”. (Додаток 5) Our teams can open the envelopes with the task. You can see 8 sentences with 3 variants. Decide which is correct: a, b, c. You have 4 minutes for this task.

  1.  The population of London is about …
    1. 10 million
    2. 5 million
    3. 7 million


  1.  An important date in English history is 1666 when …
  2. the Normans of France conquered England.

b.     William the Conqueror became King of England.

c.      it was one of the worst fires in history, the, Great Fire of London.

  1.  The Fire of London burnt for …
    1. 10 days and destroyed 20,000 houses.
    2. 4 days and destroyed 13,000 houses.
    3. 7 days and destroyed 16,000 houses.


  1.  The oldest part of London is …
  2. the City

b.     Westminster

c.      the East-End

  1.  The Queen of England lives in …
  2. Hampton Court Palace

b.     Buckingham Palace

c.      The Tower of London

  1.  In front of Buckingham Palace there is …
  2. Nelson's Column

b.     Albert Memorial

c.      the Queen Victoria Memorial

  1.  The Prime Minister lives in …
  2. № 10 Downing Street

b.     Parliament Square

c.      Whitehall

8.  Whitehall is …

a. fine building

b. wide street leading to Parliament Square

c. famous museum


Keys. 1-c, 2-c, 3-d, 4-b, 5-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-b.


  • Teacher:  That’s all. The time is over. Give me your cards and the jury will check them and announce the results.
  • While jury is checking the team’s cards let’s sing the song.

“Yesterday” (Додаток 6)


V. Teacher: Our last contest is called “Guess the place”. In the interactive board you can see one of the famous places in London. I’ll read you the description and your task is to guess the name of the place. (Додаток 7)

1.      IT is the official residence of the Queen. IT has 775 rooms. These include 19 State rooms, 52 Royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. A flag always flies above IT. When The Queen is in residence, the Royal Standard flies. When the Queen is not present, the Union Flag flies instead. (Buckingham Palace)

2. IT is a bridge over the River Thames. IT is close to the Tower of London which gives it its name. (Tower Bridge)

3. IT is her majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress. IT is a historic castle. IT is situated on the north bank of the river Thames. (Tower of London)

4. IT is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London. The name may be referred to Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for ordering the bell.  (Big Ben)

5. IT is a tourist attraction, and one of the most famous squares in the UK and the world. At its centre is Nelson’s Column’s, which is guarded by four lion statues at its base. The square is also used as a location for political demonstrations and community gatherings. (Trafalgar Square)

6. IT is the seat of the two parliamentary houses of the United Kingdom, was built in 1870. IT is located inside the Palace of Westminster, are open to both the UK public and overseas visitors. (The Houses of Parliament)

- Thank you, for your answers. It was our last contest.  Now our game has come to an end, I ask our jury to announce the final results of the quiz.

Jury: _________


Teacher: Thank you very much.

Teacher: Our best congratulations to Team ______ and its captain. They are the winners of the contest. Don’t worry if you are not the first. Only one team can be first. Let me thank all participants of the competition. Thank you and good-bye.



Вчитель:  Now, give snowdrops to our guests. You can see the table on the blackboard, look at it and say about your emotions.   



Thank you very much for the lesson!



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Всего комментариев: 4
1 natalia_kara • 11:27, 29.10.2015
Thank you very much
2 tania_moroj • 12:07, 29.10.2015
Спасибо, много видов работ
3 karazhova1992 • 14:59, 02.11.2015
thumb :thumb:  thumb Супер!
4 vadim27 • 13:56, 16.11.2015
Подойдет для систематизации знаний о Британии. Спасибо!